Thursday, August 27, 2009


Life is so wonderful. I just spent a lovely afternoon on a Starbuck's patio drinking an iced caramel machiato with soy, and reading "The Catcher in the Rye." I know I'm abusing my budget, but it was such a warm day, and I was jonesing for some Buckie's. Actually, warm is a bit of an understatement. I was sweating, and believe me, I rarely sweat. If anything, I lightly perspire, seeing as how I'm a classy lady. I even got to break out the big, bug-eyed sunglasses. Sometimes I feel as if I look a little pretentious and unapproacable when I wear them, but ho-hum, I think they're adorable. After my lazy afternoon, I went for a nice, long walk just for the sake of walking. Some very exciting news: I am about to take upon myself the strenuous task of becoming bilingual. I enrolled in Spanish 101 for my first term of university, sort of on a whim. I really wanted to carry on with French, considering I've taken french classes since I was about 8 years old. Unfortunately all French classes were full, so Spanish it was. This year is all about new experiences anyways, as is this blog. I need to write about something interesting, if you find second languages as fascinating as I do. Although, I find most thing fascinating. The world fascinates me (an unintentional Andy Warhol quote for you right there.) Boy, do I ever write a lot of my ideas in parantheses. Oh well, I quite enjoy brackets. They give my blog a certain "je ne sais quoi." Oh, how I will miss le Francais, but I can brush up on my irregular verbs from home. Speaking of home, I found a new place! Goodbye temporary living arrangements, hello freedom! Although, freedom comes with a price. A.k.a. the shower is in a closet. Yes, a closet. But I do love my quirky little dwelling, because it is mine, all mine, and by "all mine" I mean "rented," but close enough. Well that's all for now darlings. Au revoir, or adios I suppose.

Tiff xoxox

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