Now that I have a moment, allow me to share with you a few of the enlightening experiences I've had in the past week since moving. Number one: I got lost downtown, at night, alone. Now this wouldn't have been an issue back home in my small town, but in a big city and a bad area, it is more than just an issue. It is absolutely terrifying. After getting hit on by several homeless men, and being scoped out by a few addicts who were in great need of change, I wandered over to a busy street corner and prayed to God I would not be mistaken for a hooker (my shorts were entering that territory I'm afraid). A Mexican "gangsta" type of short stature even touched my back and asked me if I was waiting for someone, to which I replied, "Yes, my boyfriend." This was, of course, a flagrant lie. I was very much alone and very much afraid in knowing that naivety comes as a package deal with my small-town roots. However, in hopes of leading the city folk astray, I walked with the confidence of someone born and raised in a power suit. Thankfully, and I really do mean it with all the gratitude in the world, a friend of mine who happens to be living here for the summer was able to find me and save me from my misery. He is certainly the closest thing I have to a knight in shining armor at this point, in a land where public transit serves as the noble steed and castles become towering skyscrapers. An amusing analogy, however unecessary. Now, onward with the good
(ish) stuff. Number two: I was invited by a couple new aquaintances to do mushrooms and subsquently follow Bob Ross in a paint-along. Now, if you don't know who Bob Ross is, allow me to enlighten you. Bob Ross created and hosted the show
"The Joy of Painting" on some obscure television channel from the early 1980's until the early 1990's. During each half-hour program, Ross would freestyle oil-paint landscapes as he encouraged viewers to paint their own masterpieces at the same time. Sounds less than threatening, except for the fact that the man had an oldschool orange afro and described everything he was painting as "happy" and "little". For example: "Now I will paint a happy, little rock." Now, as far as I know, rocks
can be little, but I can't say I have ever seen one rock with a more cheery disposition than any other rock. But then again, I am part of the wrong species to make such a judgement. Anyways, as it would turn out, I do not do drugs and I politely declined, although I did invite myself over to watch two guys on mushrooms painting in time with Bob Ross because, I mean, who in their right mind would ever pass up that opportunity? Well that's all for now kids. Profound enough for you? No, me neither. Oh life, and the beautiful ,wretched clutch you have on my soul. Talk to you when I actually have something legitimate to write.