Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life Just Got a Little Bit Yummier!

I'm going to be late for class, but I just need to share my recent insights with the blogging world. Being vegan for over a year, its pretty amazing that I have just discovered this morning the lovliness that is oat bran. In the spirit of Halloween, I created my own version of the ever-so-popular Pumpkin Pie Oat Bran (words fully deserving to be capitalized.) Recipe as follows:

  • Half cup water
  • Half cup Vanilla Almond Breeze
  • 1/3 cup oat bran
  • 2 1/2 heaping tablespoons canned pumpkin
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 2- 2 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar (depending on preference of sweetness)
  • Handful raisins
  • nutmeg, cinnamon, and lavender to taste

Boil water and almond milk, then reduce heat and cook outbran for 3-5 minutes. Add raisins and spices to taste. (I made mine with a bit of nutmeg, A LOT of cinnamon, and a tiny bit of crushed lavender.) Top with almond butter, sprinkle with a bit more cinnamon on top for garnish, and enjoy! I'm making it again this weekend for the boyfriend, so I'll take a picture to post here.

I also made roasted eggplant, zuchinni, tomato, mushroom, onion, red pepper, and garlic whole wheat spaghetti for dinner last night. Next on the list: french vanilla lavender cupcakes. I wonder what's come over me? Too much food network perhaps? All I know is too little time studying. But come on, lets weigh the options here. Study for psych midterm, or eat a healthy, delicious meal prepared with love and care? I'm thinking the same thing. Well wish me luck on my midterms this week, I promise I'll try my hardest.

Tiff xoxoxox

Monday, October 19, 2009

Love is in the Air...

As you have probably guessed (I haven't posted anything in a month or make that two), I have met my dream guy. Literally DREAM guy. He's so sweet and charming and funny and intelligent and sexy...yes I could go on all day, but I'm sure I've made my point. Anyways, I'm one happy girl. School is going well. I'm thuroughly enjoying all of my classes, though that isn't saying a whole lot. I tend to enjoy anything non pain-oriented, although I'm sure some people find lecture hall and essay writing extremely painful. Despite my best efforts to keep up with my reading, I've fallen behind somewhat, and I've been procrastinating on the larger assignments as well. But I'm not too worried because I've decided to take next year off and save up money to attend a performing arts school. Hey, you only live once, why not be doing something you really enjoy? Screw financial security. Life always has a way of working itself out I always say, and the money will come along with it, especially if I'm pursuing my dreams fearlessly and with great passion. My decision has taken a lot of pressure off my shoulders. Still, thats no excuse for constant partying. I shouldn't become lazy just because my university experience is now simply for the learning and not the grades. Living without parents can be so distracting...

Awh well, 4 days til the boyfriend comes for the weekend. Sushi and carnival rides, can't wait! Isn't life just the greatest?

MUAH Tiff xoxox